The economic advantages of hyperconvergence for SMB

Hyperconverged IT infrastructures are those that include computing capacity, network structure and storage in a single device. In practice, you have all the essential components in a corporate IT structure in one ‘logical’ device. This miracle is made possible by the fact that all the elements we have mentioned are ‘software defined’, i.e. defined not by the devices that physically make up the machine, but by a software structure that defines how each element is to function. This structure has many merits, and among the most important are the savings in its management compared to a traditional architecture.
Why you save with hyperconvergence
Although the infrastructure in itself has a considerable cost, hyperconvergence saves a great deal in terms of management and updating because it drastically reduces the skills required for its operation. Since everything is software-defined, in fact, each machine upgrade can be managed without having to train someone in the use of new products.
Savings in storage
A typical and glaring case in point is storage. When it becomes necessary to add storage capacity to a traditional IT infrastructure, one usually adds a NAS that has to be configured and placed in the network context. One then has to start hunting for the most suitable device, check that its characteristics are compatible with the rest of the network, install it and insert it into the production cycle.
With a hyperconverged infrastructure, all one has to do is take a compatible storage unit and add it to the machine. Everything else is handled via software, with no compatibility issues, management peculiarities, requests for special drivers or specific ports. You plug it in and it works. This avoids having to train a person on a product every time there is an upgrade or being stuck on legacy products to make sure everything works, limiting the potential of the infrastructure.
Savings in network infrastructure
Similarly, the software-defined network function allows extremely agile management of the network part, simplifying its segmentation (one of the most important operations nowadays for IT security) and reducing to the bone the hardware part to be managed individually. Everything is done from the main console, with policy enforcement and performance monitoring at the click of a mouse. Quite simply, the time lost in reaching network devices scattered around the office is cut drastically, as is the time needed to define new management areas and rules.
Savings in computing power management
Having centralised, in-house management of computing power allows many resource-optimised solutions to be implemented. VDI stations and containerised applications can be easily created, reducing the need for software licences and security systems as there are fewer endpoints and access points to keep track of.
The savings when ransomware or human error strikes
Finally, it should not be underestimated that hyperconverged infrastructures such as Syneto’s can recover files in storage within minutes, returning to full operation even in the event of a ransomware attack or serious human error that deletes or renders all data unusable. Thanks to the storage software management, in fact, each system implements a recovery system that cannot be attacked by malware or incorrect operations, guaranteeing a very fast recovery of what has been lost.