What is CENTRAL?
CENTRAL is a SaaS, cloud-native, software platform which is deisgned to deliver enterprise cloud services to business users. It uses the latest usability and security features to provide a simple, fast and secure Hybrid Cloud experience.

Central uses a Software as a Service (SaaS) deployment model to deliver a growing number of cloud-native services designed to improve the management, visibility, access and protection of company data.

As a cloud-native software platform, Central is accesible from any device and offers limitless scalability, always up-to-date services, enhanced security and a cloud consumption model where you only pay for what you need.

Central hosts an ever-growing number of cloud services: from cloud infrastructure management and pro-active monitoring to cloud-based remote access and virtual desktops as a service.
Because it provides a centralized management space for services which help with the most common IT infrastructure challenges: global visibility/management of IT resources and protecting your data anytime, anywhere.
Simple deployment, management and maintenance

Services can be delpoyed and managed in seconds from a single, easy to use orchestration space.
Maintenance? What maintenance? With a software-defined architecture and SaaS model, updates and data protection is automated.
Secure access and granular user permission control

Two-factor authetication required for all login and connections are encrypted with 2048-bit keys and default PFS.
You decide who has access: user management is granular according to service, location and instance.
Always on: accesible from anywhere, at any time

Imagine being able to access Central from wherever you are, using any platform or operating system - all you need is a browser, nothing more!
And if you're doing smart working, Central is your reliable friend, ready to become your personal hub, facilitating access to all your applications and data.
Control services you want, when you want.

We know how important cost control is for you. Choose which Central services to use and for how long, with just a click.
And the best part? No extra costs! No additional hardware with our cloud service to manage remote, virtual, or desktop connections. Simple, right?
CENTRAL Services
The CENTRAL platform offers a growing number of SaaS applications (services) designed to simplify, accelerate and protect data management, visibility and security across multiple locations, instances and users. All this from a secure, centralized management space.

Fleet Management Service
Cloud infrastructure and user management.
The future presents us with a significant challenge: the unified management of private and public clouds, sites, appliances, and services. The Fleet Management Service solves this challenge by uniting all Syneto platforms and users into a single cloud management space.
- Manage all Syneto instances from a central orchestration space.
- Create and manage users, allocate granular access permissions.
- Organize and operate multiple geographic locations with ease.
- Monitor everything, everywhere, fast and from a single interface.
SerenITy Support Service
Simplified support experience and accelerated resolution times.
SerenITy is our support service. It simplifies and accelerates the resolution of technical issues, offers a personalized support experience and intelligently monitors any of your Syneto instances. Support tickets are opened automatically when something goes wrong.
- Critical alerts on your Syneto automatically open a ticket.
- With SerenITy issues are resolved faster.
- Syneto support engineers can identify and start working on the problem right away based on existing diagnostic system data.
- The service monitors and analyzes the system to identify issues as they appear, eliminating the time required for an issue to be identified.

Remote Access Service
Centralized remote acceess delivered as a cloud service.
The Syneto Remote Access Service simplifies, accelerates and protects remote access to business applications and data on Syneto on-premise instances. It provides is an automated, cloud-controlled service, which is instantly accessible from any device and uses the latest encryption and authentication technologies.
- Manage remote access to any on-premise Syneto instances from a central, cloud-based service.
- Offer users remote access with granular permissions: based on user, instance or location.
- Access data remotely with enhanced security, including 2FA a 2048-encryption with PFS.
- Automatic everything: passwords and VPN config. file generation, updates and redundancy.
Cloud Gate
Cloud Data Management for your HYPER appliances.
The Cloud Gate Service optimizes cloud data protection and resiliency for SynetoOS infrastructures. This hybrid approach to data protection provides you with an additional copy of your data which can be recovered anytime.
- Cloud Gate guarantees the same level of data protection as Syneto's on-premise products.
- Data are safe thanks to Cloud Gate Service replication, which uses Immutable Data Recovery Points.
- Automated data management strategies using machine learning algorithms to optimise SLA.
- A real approach to the Hybrid Cloud by creating secure copies of data.

Syneto Central Resources
Get up to date with everything there is to know about the Syneto Central Cloud Service Platform with the latest resources available.
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Take a look at the reasons why thousands of organizations from Europe the world rely on the Syneto Hybrid
Cloud Ecosystem to simplify, accelerate and protect their business

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