Syneto brings IT @TheEDGE!

Working hard to achieve your goals is, of course, wonderful, but sometimes you have to take a minute to relax, evaluate and appreciate your achievements, as well as the achievements of your partners. At Syneto, we have made it a tradition to do this every year, together with our numerous Italian partners.
We have recently had the pleasure of having 150+ guests attend our event @TheEDGE 2018 in Italy. We are very grateful to all those who have attended, it couldn’t have been such a good event without your participation!
@TheEDGE with a view and entertainment
This year’s edition of our yearly partner event took place on September 27th, in a beautiful setting, on the banks of the fabulous Lake Garda. Terme di Simione offered the setting, comedian group Zelig provided the entertainment and Syneto brought participants exciting information. All in all, we believe this was a good combination.
Embracing the digital economy
@The EDGE 2018 kicked off with CEO Vadim Comanescu and President Marco Lorenzi talking about the IT landscape and about the future of the digital economy. How is the world changing and what will the future bring?! This was one of the many questions that were debated.
Syneto: past and future plans
Syneto has come a long way since the company was founded and we don’t plan to stop any time soon. VP of Engineering Flavius Stef offered our guests information about Syneto products, how they have developed over time and how they are going to develop in the future.
CTO Dan Vatca then completed the presentation by talking about the services that Syneto is offering and developing.
Syneto + partners = a great team
Because we know we owe part of our success to our loyal partners, we have talked about our new partner program, the benefits of becoming a Syneto partner and the importance of working together as a team. Alessandro Freddi, Italian Country Manager, has described the Syneto partner program, while President Marco Lorenzi helped offer awards to our most hard-working partners.
We work hard, but we also have fun! After the event, the participants were able to take in the beautiful views of Lake Garda, enjoy the sunshine and explore the area during a boat tour.
Thank you for attending @TheEDGE 2018 and we hope you’ll join us next year too! Until then, don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about our products.