The story of Partner Gala Italy 2017
It’s time to look back at what happened at our biggest Italian event: Partner Gala Italy 2017. But before we tell you all about how it went, we want to say a big THANK YOU to everybody involved in this event! It wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.
The Partner Gala Italy 2017 took place on April 21st in Franciacorta. More than 160 partners have joined us for an entertaining day of interesting talks about our new hyperconverged product range, but also about the IT challenges of today. For detailed insight on the event, you can find the whole video at the end of this article or on our YouTube channel.
The day begins with welcome coffee and introductions
We’ve started the day early, at around 9:30, with Italian coffee and warm welcomes. We were delighted to see so many friendly faces all together.
Syneto: the past and the future
Our event began with a presentation of Syneto: who we are, how we’ve started and what our plans for the future are. We have had some help from our friend Primo Bonacina, who has moderated the whole event.
Our CEO, Vadim Comanescu has talked about our recent product launch and the market needs it aims to cover. He was joined by our Italy Sales Manager, Alessandro Freddi, who also talked about IT challenged nowadays and about the benefits of choosing hyperconverged infrastructure. Technical insight on the technology behind our products has been shared by our VP of engineering, Flavius Stef.
A few thoughts on the Italian IT market
After a well-deserved lunch break, which also involved visiting the Franciocorta wine cellars (and some good wine!), we’ve had the honour of talking to Maurizio Cuzari, CEO of SIRMI. With a solid background in the IT market, Maurizio Cuzari is a go-to person for information on the Italian IT market. He has therefore offered us a series of information about today’s Italian IT market.
Getting personal: how to overcome the IT challenges of the future?
Since we wanted this event to spark some conversation on the topic of overcoming IT challenges, we thought it would be interesting to facilitate the exchange of thoughts and ideas during a debate with questions and answers on this topic. The debate was moderated by our COO, Marco Lorenzi, and by our event moderator, Primo Bonacina.
The debate has also been supported by our end-customer BT Group, as well as by our partners Fast Microsystem and Negroni Sistemi, who have helped us answer questions from the audience. We are very grateful that they have decided to share the reasons of why they have chosen Syneto.
All in all, it was a very interesting event and we are glad we’ve had the opportunity of hosting it! And now here is the promised video of the event, for those of you who couldn’t make it:
Video del evento
Do you have any thoughts or questions you would like to discuss with us? We’re always here to talk about IT infrastructure, particularly hyperconverged! Just contact us using one of the buttons below or subscribe for Syneto news!