New horizons, stronger software: SynetoOS 4.5
New horizons, stronger software: SynetoOS 4.5
We are always trying to help our customers expand their IT horizons. Our hyperconverged data management platform, the HYPERSeries, has recently been upgraded to its third generation. But this change does not only refer to the hardware architecture – as there is also much power in the software. That is why we are now introducing SynetoOS 4.5.
SynetoOS 4.5: What is new?
SynetoOS 4.5, the latest SynetoOS version, has been developed with a new generation of our data management platform in mind. It helps build upon our solution’s recent architecture changes to create a simpler, faster IT experience and a higher level of data protection. What has changed?
1. Support for the 3rd HYPERSeries generation: SynetoOS 4.5 has been designed to offer reliable support for the HYPERSeries’ latest architecture changes.
2. Support for new CPU’s and high-density drives: As the 3rd HYPERSeries generation comes equipped with new CascadeLake CPUs and with high-density drives, SynetoOS 4.5 now has the capability to support them.
3. A primary/secondary data visualization feature: We believe that both primary and secondary data are relevant for your business. Our UI now reflects this, as it gives you a better overview of your data. This allows you to both better visualize, and control your data.
4. New compliance features: Data protection is an important topic for all businesses and this importance is also reflected in data protection legislation, like GDPR. SynetoOS 4.5 now comes with a very useful multi-admin feature, which allows you to create multiple administrators, but also to track the actions that each of them takes.
Powerful hardware, powerful software, and upgraded support services
The 3rd HYPERSeries generation comes equipped with a more powerful hardware architecture, but also with more powerful software, in the form of SynetoOS 4.5.
But our hyperconverged data management platform has one more layer: the support services. These services have also been given an upgrade.
The combination of these three layers is what makes the Syneto data management platform a complete and competitive solution.